Every five years, each Princeton class has a major Reunion, and the two classes ahead and behind of them are invited to participate. In other words, this year the classes of 76, 77, 79 and 80 can join 78's 45th. (Wow that was a lot of numbers in a row) There is no charge for coming back as a member of a satellite class.
Members of satellite classes are invited to all Class Reunion events except meals, unless otherwise specified. You will need to register as a satellite class member, and there will be instructions at Princeton.edu for where you get the wristband that allows into the right Class Reunion HQ. In terms of lodging, each satellite class may have a very few on-campus rooms to offer, but you will need to check with your class’s leadership to learn more about them.
Satellite class members should proudly wear their own class paraphernalia and march behind their own banner in the P-Rade.
For more info, feel free to contact us